Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ghana Mission Construction Team

2004 Ghana Mission Construction Team:
(left to right) Curtis Richards (Lake Butler, FL Church of God), David McKinney (Full Gospel Assemby of Starke, FL), Mark Lowery (Mt. Zion New Congregational Methodist Church, Macclenny, FL) & Ken Crenshaw (Shiloh Baptist Church, Ft. White, FL).

Photo by Jon M. Fletcher.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Ministry Newsletter

The following is a link to my Ministry Newsletter for August 2004.


Please feel free to share it with anyone you think may be interested.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

First Team Meeting

The 2004 Ghana mission team met for the first time tonight for photos, a meal and a meeting. Everyone was present: Sonja St. John and her husband and two girls; Angela Lowery; Ken Crenshaw; David McKinney and his wife; Jon Fletcher and his wife and two children; Curtis Richards and his wife; and myself. Mark Lowery was unable to make this meeting due to his work schedule with the Baker County Sheriff's Department.

Jon took group and individual photos for the posters, web and promotional materials. We had a great time of fellowship as well as going over details for the trip. Mrs. Linda Taylor of Taylor'd Bar-B-Que allowed us to use her restaurant for our meeting and served some really great food.

I really believe that God has put together an awesome team to do His work in Ghana this year.

Stepping Out On Faith

I'm really trusting the Lord today. I just wrote a check for a little over $9,000 for airline tickets for our 2004 Ghana mission trip and sent it overnight to the travel agent. The airline we are using charges an extra 4% to pay by credit card, so I opted to save approximately $362.00 of the Lord's money. The interesting part is that we have only collected just over $5,000 for this trip. I'm certainly trusting God to meet the financial need in His time. Two years ago God gave us the final $40 we needed for the trip just one and a half hours before we left for the airport.

I know God is in this trip and I'm totally trusting Him.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Mt. Zion Service

Tonight I preached the final night of a three day revival series at Mt. Zion New Congregational Methodist Church in Macclenny, Florida. The Spirit in the service was really good. Pastor Bobby Griffin and the congregation are really nice people. It was good to share with them.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Busy Sunday

The Lord's Day has been a busy day!

I preached the morning & evening worship services at Shiloh Baptist in Ft. White, FL for Pastor Mark Driskell. The services went very well and I enjoyed the fellowship.

The construction team for our Ghana mission trip was completed tonight when Curtis Richards of Lake Butler let me know that God has led him to make the trip with us. Curtis will join other construction team members Mark Lowery (construction leader) of Macclenny, David McKinney of Starke and Ken Crenshaw of Ft. White. I truly believe that God has put together the right team for this job.

More info about the Ghana trip will be posted on my website, http://www.jamescroft.org, as it becomes available.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Brand New Feature

This is a brand new feature I'm trying on my website. It is my first attempt at creating a Blog (web log). I'll be adding new posts from time to time so check back often and let me know what you think.