Pastor Danny Garrett with Eli |
I preached a four-day revival meeting at
Cudd Memorial Baptist Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina last week. It was great to return to the church I first visited in March of last year. I had a great time of fellowship with
Pastor Danny Garrett & his family, the rest of the ministry staff, and members I met last year. I also made some new friends too.
Two things stand out in my mind about this revival meeting.
One is that we didn't have anyone to be "born again", that we know of, but we had a "new birth". The pastor became a grandpa for the second time on Tuesday as one of his daughters delivered a healthy baby boy! (See photo above) I was able to visit with them in the hospital before returning home.
second awesome event took place during Tuesday night's service. I had struggled all day with a decision between two messages for that night. Finally, about an hour before the service I settled upon the sermon I felt the Lord was leading me to. Upon arrival at the church I viewed the schedule for the night and noticed that the special music just before the message was a perfect fit for the sermon! The Lord certainly used the song and message in a mighty way because "He showed up and showed out" during the Time of Decision!! The altar filled with people taking up business with God, so much so that the invitation went on for approximately thirty minutes! Brother Danny even stated that the Lord would need to dismiss the service and left it to each person to exit quietly as they felt led by the Lord. As folks were leaving, others were still praying all over the sanctuary. It was truly an awesome service.

A member of Cudd Memorial Baptist described the service in a Facebook post.
"Wow is all I can say about the moving of the Holy Spirit in tonight's Revival service. James Croft's message was from Jeremiah 29, The Message paraphrase - God's word on the subject. He is on time and He will deliver you in His time. A remarkable response followed the message. Just amazing. Wow."
I praise the Lord for speaking to the hearts of the congregation and myself too!
If you live in the Spartanburg/Boiling Springs area or are passing through, Pastor Danny Garrett and the members of Cudd Memorial Baptist Church would welcome you to worship with them. The church is located at 1301 Boiling Springs Road in Spartanburg, South Carolina. For more information or directions call the church at (864) 542-0908.
NOTE: View photos from Cudd Memorial Baptist 2012.