Bible Brain Twister Answers
On Saturday, August 20th I posted a Bible Brain Twister word search on this site. Unfortunately, the original sender did not include the author of the puzzle and it contained the final book name needed to complete the word search. I e-mailed the original sender and he replied with the answers and apologized that the author's name was not included in the forward that I had received. I am reposting the word search here with the answers highlighted.
I must admit that I found 16 within about 30 minutes and have been searching for the 17th ever since. I have received e-mails and even telephone calls requesting the answers. It is exciting to see how many people got so involved in the Biblical word search. You know, we might find studying the Bible just as exciting if we would approach it the way we have approached this puzzle. 8-)
Bible Brain Twister
By (John) Kezer
I once made a re(mark) about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lu(lu, ke)pt people loo(king s)o hard for f(acts), and for others it was a (revelation). Some were in a (jam, es)pecially since the names of the books are not capitalized, but the t(ruth) finally struck home to (numbers) of readers. To others, it was a real (job). We want it to be (a mos)t fascinating few moments for you. Y(es, ther)e will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require (judges) to help them. I will quickly admi(t it us)ually takes a minister to find one of the 17, and there will be loud (lamentations) when it is found. A little lady says s(he brews) a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can com(pete. R)elax now, for there really are the names of 17 books of the Bible in these sentences.