Sunday, October 02, 2005

Barney Revival a Blessing

The revival services at Barney First Baptist Church (Georgia) ended last night. I must say the services were certainly a blessing to me. Everyone showered the ministry team with love, friendship and hospitality. We all made some great friends during the week.

I also want to thank Pastor Keith Wise for receiving us so well into his new pastorate. Brother Keith has only served at the church for about 7 weeks. The services were set up by the Interim Pastor, Charlie Scarborough, who is a dear friend of mine.

Here are a few photos of the ministry team from the services.

My friends Cheryl Kent & Kevin Owen from Olustee, Florida led the music on Wednesday night.

Lori Bennett, a member of Barney First Baptist, blessed our hearts with special music on Thursday & Saturday nights.

John Croft, my brother from White Springs, Florida, & Kevin Owen led the music Thursday through Saturday night.

Here I am, sporting a shirt made for me while in Ghana, West Africa, preaching on Saturday night.