Saturday, February 24, 2007

Conservative Christian Group Responds to Film Claiming Proof Against Jesus' Resurrection

Note: This is in reference to the story in the previous post. I stated in that post that the story could not be true based on the authority of the Bible.

Contact: Rob Schenck, Faith and Action, 202-546-8329, ext 106

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- A liberal website out of Jerusalem, Israel is reporting that a documentary film to be aired this week will prove the actual burial site for Jesus Christ and his family has been found. The filmmakers, including James Cameron of Titanic fame, claim they will display the coffins of Jesus and his mother Mary at a New York news conference on Monday.

The implications are clear: According the filmmakers, Jesus did not rise from the grave.

In response to the announced news conference, National Clergy Council president, the Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK) said:

“This kind of sensationalism has been tried before. Only five years ago no less of a prestigious organization than Biblical Archeological Review Journal claimed it had the coffin of James, the brother of Jesus. It was later determined to be a hoax.

Read more of this story on Christian Newswire.

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