Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Hug A Day Could Save Your Life

Everyone knows that Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day, but most people don’t know why we celebrate it in the first place. Valentine was a Roman priest who is believed to have lived around 270 A.D. during the reign of Claudius II.

Emperor Claudius spent a lot of his time thinking up strategies to create the perfect army. One of his most famous was outlawing marriage for young men because he believed that bachelors made better soldiers than married men because they had less distractions. Valentine didn’t agree with Claudius’ opinion, and he continued to secretly perform marriage ceremonies in spite of the fact that it was against the law.

Eventually the Romans got wind of what Valentine was doing, and they put him to death.

Besides being a martyr for love, Valentine was actually one of the first to understand the psychology of human emotions. This young priest knew that men who were about to face danger and possible death could only be brave hearts if they went off to war with a hug from the girl they left behind.

Read more of this story on Fox News.

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