Monday, February 05, 2007

The Price Of A Soul

READ: Matthew 16:24-28

He who wins souls is wise. —Proverbs 11:30

According to a Wall Street Journal article, Hemant Mehta wanted to find out if he was "missing something" as an atheist. So the DePaul University graduate student went on eBay with this proposition: He would spend 1 hour of church attendance for each $10 bid by the highest bidder. A former evangelical minister won with an offer of $504.

How much would you pay for the opportunity to present Christ to an unbeliever? The apostle Paul gave a lot more than $504 in his endeavor to bring the gospel to people who had never heard of Jesus Christ. He traveled many long, hard miles across the world. In a gripping account he told of his experiences: shipwreck, imprisonment, floggings, stoning, beatings, exhaustion, hunger, cold, and peril (2 Cor. 11:23-28).

In the past 2,000 years of missionary effort, valiant men and women have left their homelands to proclaim Christ in remote, primitive, and dangerous settings. Many have lost their lives; others have suffered persecution. In many parts of the world today, to talk publicly about Jesus is to risk hardship, jail, and even death.

When we consider Jesus’ sacrifice for us, any sacrifice we make to bring others to Him is worth the cost. David C. Egner

Give me a passion for souls, dear Lord,
A passion to save the lost;
O that Thy love were by all adored
And welcomed at any cost. —Tovey
© 1914 Herbert G. Tovey

When we open our heart to the Lord, He opens our eyes to the lost.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Basics Of Faith > Salvation > Cost of

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