Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Gospel Of Judas

READ: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

They will turn their ears away from the truth. —2 Timothy 4:4

The recently discovered manuscript The Gospel of Judas alleges that Jesus asked Judas to betray Him. Supposedly, Jesus hoped that His death would free Him from this world of matter to become a pure spirit again.

There is a big problem with this ancient text. Judas could not have written this manuscript that bears his name, since it was written long after the time of Jesus. But because The Gospel of Judas has been newly discovered, it provides a novelty for those who like to speculate.

Proposing a fake story to replace the New Testament account is not new. Paul wrote, “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

There’s a trend today to look for new theories to undermine the Bible. In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul told us to “test all things; hold fast what is good” (v.21). Based on the questionable content and authorship of The Gospel of Judas, we know that it’s a fable. The real gospel (good news) lies with the apostles, who walked with Jesus and wrote down His life-saving message in the New Testament. Dennis Fisher

The Bible stands, and it will forever
When the world has passed away;
By inspiration it has been given—
All its precepts I will obey. —Lillenas

To trust God is to trust in His holy Word.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Basics Of Faith > Bible/Scripture > Reliability of

Fat Burning Furnace

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Zigvid Pick Of The Day

The video sharing site called Zigvid has made one of our ministry videos their "Pick of the Day". The video is the one titled "Unshaven". It has been viewed over 250 times since being picked as the "pick".

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Help Wanted

Graduation Choir Wants to Sing 'Lord's Prayer' in Honor of Deceased

A Michigan high school choir wishes to sing “The Lord’s Prayer” at their graduation this week in honor of one of their deceased classmates but is still in the process of receiving approval over feared church-state issues.

The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), a Christian litigation that defends the right to speak the “Truth,” sent an information letter to the superintendent of Comstock Park Public School District explaining that the Comstock Park High School choir would be not be infringing upon any laws if they allowed the religious song. The group has even promised to defend the school if the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a group notorious for its anti-Christian lawsuits, takes legal actions.

The song is reported to be the deceased student’s favorite tune.

“The Establishment Clause does not ban religious songs at graduation, and it’s ridiculous that anyone would try to censor students wanting to honor a deceased classmate with one of his favorite songs,” said Jeremy Tedesco, ADF litigation counsel, in a statement. “We sent the information letter to the Comstock Park School District to let them know that ADF will defend the school if the ACLU or any of its allies has the audacity to sue over this.”

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Radio Network Not Comfortable Advertising Female Pastor

NOTE: What's your thoughts about "female pastors"? Share your thoughts by clicking "comments" below.

A local Christian radio network in Syracuse, N.Y., refuses to advertise a city-wide crusade because a female pastor is scheduled to speak at the event.

The Mars Hill Network's board of directors voted last week not to promote the June 7-8 City Wide Crusade and Conference featuring Pastors Jamal Bryant and Paula White. The all-male board "can't comfortably promote women in the role of pastor," said Wayne Taylor, general manager of the radio network, according to The Post-Standard.

Taylor was alluding to White's participation in the crusade which is expected to draw more than 3,500 people from throughout the northeast region of the country.

“It’s a doctrinal issue,” he said, according to the local newspaper. “It’s not about women preaching. It has to do with a woman taking on a pastor’s role.”

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Tomb Guard Duties Video

A piece about the duties of the Honor Guard that guards The Tomb of the Unknown Solider as presented on Fox News.

N.C. Judge OKs Witness Oaths Using Quran

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Witnesses and jurors being sworn in at state courthouses can take their oath using any religious text, not just the Bible, a judge ruled Thursday.

Judge Paul Ridgeway said both common law and state Supreme Court precedent allow witnesses and jurors to use the text "most sacred and obligatory upon their conscience."

The ruling came after the American Civil Liberties Union argued that limiting that text to the Bible alone was unconstitutional because it favored Christianity over other religions.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Alabama Boy Kills 1,051-Pound Monster Pig, Bigger Than 'Hogzilla'

An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog that just may be the biggest pig ever found.

Jamison Stone's father says the hog his son killed weighed a 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.

If the claims are accurate, Jamison's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.

Read more of this story on FOX News.

Navy Honor Guard Drill Team

Prayer, Youth Minister Allowed at Ark. School Graduation

A high school in Omaha, Ark., allowed two students to open and close their graduation ceremony Friday with prayer and a youth ministry leader to act as the commencement speaker after originally barring both.

The senior class of Omaha High School had unanimously voted for prayer and for David Griffith, director of Christian ministry K-Life in nearby Harrison, Ark., to speak as part of their ceremony. However, the class was told by officials that they could not support such practices, however, due to separation of church and state.

Following legal counsel from Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit organization that defends religious freedom, the school reversed its position.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Your Dad's Music

Christian Convert Fights Malaysian Law

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Lina Joy has been disowned by her family, shunned by friends and forced into hiding — all because she renounced Islam and embraced Christianity in Muslim-majority Malaysia.

Now, after a seven-year legal struggle, Malaysia's highest court will decide on Wednesday whether her constitutional right to choose her religion overrides an Islamic law that prohibits Malay Muslims from leaving Islam.

Either way, the verdict will have profound implications on society in a country where Islam is increasingly conflicting with minority religions, challenging Malaysia's reputation as a moderate Muslim and multicultural nation that guarantees freedom of worship.

Read more of this story on The Christians Post.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

USMC Silent Drill Team

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ten Percent Tie

USAF Honor Guard Drill Team

Friday, May 25, 2007

Shake It Up

Lake Butler On Sunday Morning

I will be preaching the two morning services at my home church this Sunday, May 27, 2007. The services begin at 8:45am and 11am at First Baptist Church of Lake Butler, Florida. The church is located 195 East Main Street.

Study: Teens Confused About Heaven

Approximately 28 percent of American teenagers trust only in Jesus Christ as their way to heaven. The rest are confused.

A new survey by LifeWay Research indicated that many American teenagers are confused about what it takes to get to heaven. Results showed 53 percent of teens strongly agree with the belief that they will go to heaven because Jesus Christ died for their sins. Another 16 percent somewhat agree.

Among those not holding that traditional Christian belief, 27 percent said they trust in their own kindness to others and 26 percent trust in their religiosity as their means to get to heaven.

The survey, however, further found that even those who believe in Jesus Christ have confused ideas on how to get to heaven.

Read more about this study on The Christian Post.

Student Driver

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Christians in Pakistan Face Death Threats from Taliban

Christians in North-West Frontier Province in Pakistan are facing fresh threats, including a message signed by the “Taliban’s Detonative Department”, after rejecting demands to convert to Islam.

The message was chalked on a wall opposite a church in Charsadda. It was signed by the “Taliban’s Detonative Department” and reiterated an ultimatum previously circulated to the Christian community in a letter.

The letter warned the Christians to convert to Islam by 17 May 2007 or face “dire consequences and bomb explosions”. The Christian community in Charsadda, numbering approximately 500 people, have rejected the ultimatum.

Read more of this story on Christian Today.

Missional vs. Evangelical

While surveying the news recently, I came across a small but disturbing story that grabbed my attention. A California pediatrician reportedly refused to treat a baby girl because her mother had tattoos. The doctor, whose name I won’t mention, says “his Christian faith has inspired him to enforce certain standards in his medical practice, and that means no tattoos, no body piercings, and no gum chewing.” The article goes on, “After taking one look at Tasha Childress, who has both tattoos and piercings, [the doctor] asked her and her daughter to leave.” The shunned mother, speaking about her daughter, said, “She had to go that entire night with her ear infection with no medicine because he has his policy; it isn’t right.”

This action deeply troubled me and I hope troubles you as well. However, it doesn’t completely surprise me either, given so much that is off the mark within American “Christian” culture. I realize it is “risky” to publicly criticize the church and/or the actions of other Christians, however, this should not prevent us from constructive critique when the public actions of some professing Christians are so obviously inconsistent with biblical teaching.

What concerns me most is what kind of culture has developed within the American Church to produce such legalistic thinking that it borders on the inhumane. Also, is this same legalistic, almost antagonistic culture present, in greater or lesser degrees, throughout the American Church and if so, why?

Read more of this opinion on The Christian Post.

How Old?

A radio announcer was introducing a record, "The next one is for Charlotte Burke, who is a hundred and eleven. Hey, Charlotte, that's a ripe old age, isn't it?"

There was a short pause and then the DJ said, "I'm sorry, I got it wrong. This next one is for Charlotte Burke, who is ill."

Remember Me

Sparks Beats Out Lewis for 'American Idol' Title

Jordin Sparks, the 17-year-old Christian phenom from Glendale, Ariz., became the youngest “American Idol” champion following Wednesday night’s live results finale, showing that America preferred the “singer” more than the “entertainer.”

Sparks was one of several Christian vocalists who were backed by the Gospel Music Association (GMA) on this sixth season of America’s most watched show. She had been the Overall Spotlight Winner at the 2004 GMA Academy and grabbed top prize in the Country/Southern Gospel category. With her latest win, the Arizona native has now nabbed a recording contract with BMG Music Group.

"I can't thank you [enough] for keeping me around and thank you so much for everything," explained the ecstatic Arizona teen after the vote was revealed.

Sparks and fellow “Idol” finalist Blake Lewis, 25, were both described by judges as having fairly even shots of winning, during the live two-hour climax. They had argued that Sparks was the stronger singer while Lewis was the better entertainer.

“What I love about this show is that it's American Idol: Search for the Next Superstar. It is a singing competition bar-none,” commented judge Randy Jackson, who seemed to favor Sparks this season, after her final performance of “This is My Now” Tuesday. “You were the best singer tonight. You deserve it all baby! That was fire right here! That's what it's all about! You are what it's about.”

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Conflict-Resolution Team

NOTE: This sounds like some churches!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Countdown to...

I have added a countdown clock to the left column of this page. It will reflect the time remaining to my next preaching engagement, so it will change regularly. At times you may see multiple counters depending on the schedule. They will always be located somewhere in the left column of this site.

I hope these countdown clocks will serve as a reminder for you to pray for these upcoming ministry opportunities. For more details on all of my preaching engagements, visit my "Upcoming Opportunities" page on the ministry website.

'American Idol' Winner to be Named Tonight

NOTE: I think both of the finalists are good, but I'm pulling for Jordin Sparks. In the past she has toured with Michael W. Smith. Here's an excerpt from his Blog:

"Two or three years ago my manager stopped by the house with a great young girl named Jordin Sparks. Ironically they stopped by when George Huff, a former IDOL contestant, was at the house. The three of us wound up around the piano and I remember thinking that I was playing and singing with two of the greatest voices I had heard in a long time. And Jordin, like George, had a smile and personality as big and inviting as her voice."

To be honest, my favorite contestant, Melinda Doolittle, was voted off last week. But tonight I'll be pulling for Jordin.

NEW YORK (AP) - The "American Idol" season finale is tonight with Jordin Sparks and Blake Lewis the last contestants standing.

Before the third and last song of last night, the "American Idol" judges were of a mind that the title still was up for grabs — and then Jordin Sparks, all of 17, blew everyone away.

Simon Cowell and Co. — who have no vote in deciding whether Sparks or rival Blake Lewis, 25, ends up the winner — couldn't contain themselves.

"You were the best singer tonight. You deserve it all, baby!" Randy Jackson gushed Tuesday.

"You just wiped the floor with Blake," added Cowell, who then told Sparks he was wrong for initially thinking she wasn't good enough to win the Fox talent show.

"I would say the best individual performance of the night was Blake on the first song," Cowell said. "But, based on overall singing — Jordin."

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

School Recognizes Christian Group Following Lawsuit, Landmark Ruling

Southern Illinois University (SIU)’s law school in Carbondale, Ill., has agreed to recognize a Christian student group following a recent lawsuit.

A settlement was reached last week between Christian legal group Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), which was acting on behalf of the Christian Legal Society (CLS), and SIU officials stating that the university would accept the leadership policies of the student group, which it had condemned before. As a result, CLS will now be officially recognized.

“Every student group has the right to ensure that its leaders and members support its mission; religious student groups should be treated no differently,” explained Casey Mattox, litigation counsel for CLS’s Center for Law & Religious Freedom, in a statement. “This settlement ensures CLS at SIU will enjoy all of the rights and benefits enjoyed by other law school organizations.”

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Read a related story on

Jerry Falwell Funeral Draws Thousands

Here are two stories about yesterday's funeral for Rev. Jerry Falwell.

Thousands remember Falwell

LYNCHBURG, Va., (BP)--Thousands thronged Lynchburg, Va., and the facilities of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University for the May 22 memorial service of Jerry Falwell.

The capacity crowd heard a statement from President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush as read by Tim Goeglein, special assistant to the president.

The statement offered the Bushes' sympathies and said that Falwell was a man who "cherished faith, family and freedom."

The Bushes wrote that one of Falwell's "lasting contributions was the establishment of Liberty University, where he taught young people to remain true to their convictions, and to rely upon God's Word throughout each stage of their lives."

Read more of this story on Baptist Press.

Thousands Mourn Falwell at Funeral

LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) - The Rev. Jerry Falwell was remembered by thousands Tuesday as a champion of conservative Christian values who fearlessly galvanized the religious right into a powerful force in American politics.

The funeral returned Falwell to his roots — the Thomas Road Baptist Church, where he started as a young preacher in 1956 with just 35 parishioners in an old, abandoned soda bottling plant. More than 10,000 people attended the funeral, many forced into overflow seating.

"He was a champion of the fundamental values that we hold dear," fellow Virginia evangelist Pat Robertson said as he entered the sanctuary. "He stepped on some toes."

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Blogs Becoming More Popular Outlet for Christian Voice

Believers say Christian blog sites are encouraging and a good place for evangelizing, according to a recent survey.

Amid an explosion of Christians in the blogosphere and religious alternatives to online social networks, - a popular Christian web portal – found that more than half of Christians find Christian blogs useful.

"They allow Christians to come together to share their ideas with one another without feeling judged and under pressure," said one reader, according to the survey report.

Christian blogs are also a popular outreach tool, especially for believers fearful of witnessing to people face-to-face on the street.

"You just never know what seed you might sow on a Christian site," stated another survey respondent. "As people read your comments, it might just be what they needed that day. Never underestimate the power of the written word."

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Sea Monkeys Escape to the Sea

This video by Jon, Kristie and Klara Fletcher has been viewed almost 16,000 times on YouTube.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Do You Hear Me? Stay!

A woman pulled into a crowded parking lot and rolled down the car windows to make sure her Labrador Retriever had fresh air. She was stretched out on the back seat, and she wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. The woman walked to the curb backward, pointing her finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear me? Stay!"

The driver of a nearby car gave the woman a startled look. "I don't know about you, lady," he said incredulously. "But I usually just put my car in park."

Sleepy Presentation

Study: Fewer Americans Embrace Traditional View of God

NOTE: This is a very interesting and revealing study. I hate to say this, but I'm not surprised by the findings. I'm in a lot of churches in the course of a year and find so many that profess to be "Christians", but yet they don't know much about what the Bible says about how we should live our lives. Those that do know what the Scripture says, doesn't really want to live it. Do you think God is pleased with the way we react to His word? What are your thoughts? Share your thoughts by clicking the "comments" link below.

Less Americans embrace a traditional view of God and Bible reading is becoming less popular, a new study revealed.

In a national study of 1,006 adults, the Barna Group found that while two-thirds of the American population firmly embraces the idea that their most important purpose is to love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength, the public's beliefs have changed in the past year.

The 2007 study, conducted in January, showed 66 percent of Americans believe that God is best described as the all-powerful, all-knowing perfect Creator of the universe who rules the world today. The proportion is down from 71 percent a year ago and represents the lowest percentage in more than 20 years of similar surveys, according to the report.

Additionally, 37 percent strongly disagree that Jesus sinned; 24 percent strongly reject the idea that Satan is not a real spiritual being; 29 percent have greater reluctance to explain their faith to other people; and 27 percent have a willingness to reject good works as a means to personal salvation - all the aforementioned percentages are down from 2006.

Despite the changes, the proportion of American adults who believe that the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches remains unchanged at 45 percent.

Still, a shift away from biblical perspectives are likely to result in significant alterations to the spiritual landscape since a person's beliefs dictates a great deal about their behavior and allegiance, stated David Kinnaman, who directed the study, in the report.

Read more results from this study on The Christian Post.

First Baptist, White Springs Added To Schedule

I will be teaching the adult class during Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church of White Springs in June. The services begin at 6pm nightly, Monday-Friday, June 4-8, 2007. For more information call the church at (386) 397-2895. The church is located on Camp Street in White Springs, Florida.

Say "Cheese"

I saw a story on ABC's Nightline last night about a block of cheese that is quickly becoming a star. A webcam showing a live feed of the block of cheese aging before your very eyes can be viewed by clicking here. The live "Cheddarvision" has been viewed over 1.3 million times.

The video below is a time-lapse video of the first three months of Cheddarvision.

Now, aren't you glad you read this blog and gain so much valuable knowledge?

Anti-Evolutionist Runs Unopposed for Education Board Presidency

An avid anti-evolutionist is currently running unopposed in an election for the position of president-elect for the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE), alarming educators around the nation.

Kansas native Kenneth Willard will gain the position on the board – which serves “to strengthen state leadership in educational policymaking” – this July when the elections begin for selecting officers.

Several evolutionist proponents are now scrambling to try to fight his election, though it may be impossible.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Evolution And Mothers

If evolution really works, how come Mothers only have two hands?

What's Your Label

How to Answer Kids' Questions on Sex

Every parent at one point in time has to answer the much-feared question from their children: What is sex?

Most parents are often hesitant to address the topic of sex or unsure of what to say to their kids or when to talk about it. The Austin-based Medical Institute just released a guide that helps parents answer even the toughest questions.

Questions Kids Ask About Sex: Honest Answers for Every Age lists specific questions kids have about sex, such as "What is puberty?" "What is intercourse?" and "Is oral sex the same as sex?"

The paperback book comes as faith groups have expressed increased concern over the rate of teens having sex and how little parents know about the pressures their children face and the sexual activity they may already be engaging in.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Explosion in Lebanese Christian Neighborhood Kills 1, Injures 12

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - An explosion late Sunday across the street from a busy shopping mall killed a 63-year-old woman and injured 12 other people, sending black smoke billowing in the Christian sector of the Lebanese capital, police and witnesses said.

Rescuers reported six of the injuries were from flying debris and broken glass. Several cars were set ablaze or wrecked in the blast, which was heard across the city and surrounding hills.

Beirut and surrounding suburbs has been a series of explosions in the last two years, particularly targeting Christian areas in which the U.S.-backed majority coalition has blamed on Syria. The blast came after daylong battles between the Lebanese army and a suspected al-Qaeda-linked militant group in the northern port town of Tripoli that killed 22 soldiers and 17 militants.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Spam Mail

JCEA Video Ministry

I think I have finally gotten everything properly set up for you to keep up with our ministry videos. Each time one is posted it will be announced on this site; however, if you would like to view them all in one place, just visit Walking with the Giant Videos. Each one can be played from that one location.

If you use an RSS Feed Reader to keep up with the latest news, you can use this same link, and it will appear with your other feeds.

If you're the type that likes to be reminded by receiving an e-mail, you can do that too. Just complete the form below (it's also located in the left column of this site) and you will be notified each time a new video is available.

Another way to keep up with the videos (and my ministry schedule too) is by checking out the "Spring Widget" in the left column of this page. This widget can also be placed on your website, blog, MySpace page, etc. There is even a way to place it on your computer desktop (this also applies to the ministry schedule widget at the left). For more information follow the "Get this widget!" link directly below each widget.

If you like reading about the videos, as well as viewing them, just follow the category link in the left column of this site called JCEA Videos. This link allows you to read all of the posts relating to the video ministry and you can view the videos too!

As I'm sure you've noticed, I have been posting some videos that are from past mission trips, television stories and other multi-media presentations about this ministry. I know that some of these are familiar to some folks, but not to all. My goal is to make all previous videos available and add new ones from time to time. At this point there is no set schedule for release of new videos. Hey, that'll just make it more exciting!

I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for folks to keep up with the various areas of this ministry, i.e. schedule, podcasts, videos, blog, etc. I hope you will share this info with others.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

DISCOVERY: Apostle Paul a midget

NOTE: This was e-mailed to me today by a friend. I was getting a little excited as I read the story, but was thinking "why haven't I heard this before?" After reading the story, I then read the disclaimer. Anyway, it is still a funny story and I took no offense to it at all. Hey, I probably tell more "short jokes" about myself than anyone else. I figure God made me 3'10" tall for a reason, so I use it to glorify Him and have some fun too. 8-)

MILAN, Italy — An astounding discovery may reveal the physical stature — or lack of it — of one of Christianity's greatest advocates.
A scroll and accompanying rock drawing found during an archaeological dig in Turkey "took our breath away" with its revelation about the Apostle Paul said Anje Shroecker, head of a research team from the University of Milan. "To put it bluntly, Paul was a midget," Shroecker says.

Read more of this satire on Lark News.

Read the disclaimer.

Two Worlds One Mission

The video titled "Two Worlds One Mission" is now available for viewing online. This is a video chronicling our mission trip to Ghana, West Africa in 2003.

Here are links to the media coverage of the 2003 trip:

For more videos from this ministry follow this link.

Swift plant refuses to give in to Muslim employee demands for prayer breaks

NOTE: Here's an interesting story. Post your thoughts by clicking the "comments" link below.

The founder of a pro-Israel ministry is praising a meat packing plant for refusing to cave into the demands of Muslim workers who wanted to take extra breaks in order to perform Islamic rituals. Dozens of Muslim workers walked off the job at a Swift and Company meat packing plant in Grand Island, Nebraska, because their prayer times were not accommodated.

A company spokesman says breaks are governed by a labor contract and all employees are told about them during orientation for new employees. The head of the union local also said the contract makes no provisions for prayer.

Jan Markell is founder of Olive Tree Ministries. "Since when did a population in America of one to two percent start changing the way 98 percent of the rest of Americans have to live?" she asks.

Read more of this story on One News Now.

Quadruple Bypass

How to Answer Kids' Questions on Sex

Every parent at one point in time has to answer the much-feared question from their children: What is sex?

Most parents are often hesitant to address the topic of sex or unsure of what to say to their kids or when to talk about it. The Austin-based Medical Institute just released a guide that helps parents answer even the toughest questions.

Questions Kids Ask About Sex: Honest Answers for Every Age lists specific questions kids have about sex, such as "What is puberty?" "What is intercourse?" and "Is oral sex the same as sex?"

The paperback book comes as faith groups have expressed increased concern over the rate of teens having sex and how little parents know about the pressures their children face and the sexual activity they may already be engaging in.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

George Foreman Talks About 'God in My Corner' on 'Today Show'

Famed boxer and Christian George Foreman appeared Moday on The Today Show to speak about his new book.

God in My Corner: A Spiritual Memoir
, to be released on May 22 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., tells the biography of the born-again boxer and how God has played a critical role over his years.

The book hopes to encourage fellow Christians to move onto excellence in their lives and to overcome all adversity.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Success Vs. Happiness

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.

- Author Unknown

Dino Snack

Here's a cute little video from Klara, Jon and Kristie Fletcher.

Brain Freeze

If you ate jalepeño ice cream too fast do you think you would get brain freezer-burn?

1864 Lincoln-Johnson Campaign Button Becomes Money for Missions

CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- An 1864 campaign button has a ferrotype (tintype) photo of President Abraham Lincoln on one side. A photo of Andrew Johnson is on the other. President Lincoln was running for re-election in 1864. Andrew Johnson, from Tennessee, was running as vice president.

The rare button was donated to empty tomb®, inc., Champaign, Illinois, a nonprofit discipleship-opportunity organization.

The button is being offered for sale on empty tomb's eBay site. When sold, the proceeds will help fund empty tomb's Mission Match® project.

Read more of this story on Christian Newswire.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Tough Job

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Restraining Orders

'God' Removed from Graduating Senior’s Yearbook

A graduating senior at Higley High School in Gilbert, Ariz., just outside Phoenix, discovered this week that his reference to “God” had been edited from his yearbook profile.

Anthony Sciubba, 18, approached the school Wednesday about why the yearbook had taken out ”God,” who he felt was essential to his bio page, and was told that it was to avoid problems with the separation between church and state.

He was upset over the removal, because he had wanted to make a point about what God has done in his life.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Parking Compliment

A wife said to her husband, "You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today.

They left a little note on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.'"

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ghana Video Online

This is a video highlighting the events of our 2004 mission trip to Ghana, West Africa. The trip included construction of a building, a Gospel crusade and a Vacation Bible School for children. Interviews with team members are featured during the video. You'll experience the sights, sounds, people and music as it was during the two week trip.

The video can also be viewed on GospelTube, Zigvid and GodTube. The video's length prohibits it from being viewed on YouTube.

Please be in prayer for Evangelist Ralph, our Ghana Ministry Coordinator, as he continues to minister in Teshie-Accra, Ghana.

Anti-Evolution Billboards 'Evolve' Man into Monkey

“Are they making a monkey out of you?”

This is the question being asked by a Minn.-based Christian organization that just launched a billboard campaign attempting to point to holes in evolutionary thought.

The non-profit group, Who Is Your Creator, is running advertisements that show four panels depicting a man “evolving” into a “monkey” (actually an ape). The organization hopes the billboards will draw in visitors to their website to learn more information about the issue.

"It's kind of funny because the theory of evolution is based on chance mutations and natural selection," explained Julie Haberle, founder of the Who Is Your Creator, in Cybercast News Service. "[Thus] the process can go either way."

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Additional information is available on the Who Is Your Creator? website.

How Long

When my husband and I showed up at a very popular restaurant, it was crowded. I went up to the hostess and asked, "Will it be long?"

The hostess, ignoring me, kept writing in her book. I asked again, "How much of a wait?"

The woman looked up and said, "About ten minutes."

A short time later, we heard an announcement over the loud-speaker: "Willette B. Long, your table is ready."

Fla. Baptists respond as wildfires sweep state

STARKE, Fla. (BP)--Responding to raging wildfires Florida Baptists in the past weeks have opened their doors to fire suppression crews and residents of their communities, providing shelter, food and staging facilities.

While more than 163,000 acres have burned in more than 225 fires throughout Florida, the firestorm -- fueled by lightening strikes and arsonists in severe drought conditions -- forced evacuations and closed down major highways, causing traffic jams throughout Mother's Day weekend. Florida Baptist Convention leadership is calling for churches to pray for rain and has requested that congregations set aside Sunday, May 27, as a "Day of Prayer for Rain."

Peppering 57 of the 67 counties in Florida, the fires, spewing acrid smoke into otherwise mostly clear skies, are being fed by unusually dry air and wind gusts related to a number of storms moving through various parts of the state. Anticipated rainfall has come up short in areas directly affected. At Hope Baptist Church in Starke, Fla., in a community where two large fires converged to char more than 18,000 acres, more than 350 firefighters and other public safety personnel and leaders worked out of the church round-the-clock for nearly a week to contain fires in the area.

Read more of this story on Baptist Press.

Holding Hands

Perspectives: Oprah's 'Secret' deceives millions

The Gospel According to Oprah is more than just a book title; it's a mindset that has created quite a following for the billionaire talk-show host. And her promotion of a philosophy extolling the "Law of Attraction" has added to millions who are being led away from the teachings of Christ.

According to a May 2006 article titled "The Divine Miss Winfrey" in USA Today, "Over the past year, Winfrey ... has emerged as a spiritual leader for the new millennium, a moral voice of authority for the nation."

There's no doubt that Oprah is spiritual, but the philosophy she pushed on the February 8, 2006, broadcast of The Oprah Winfrey Show couldn't place her farther from the truth. During the show, Oprah interviewed a panel of teachers who appear in a 93-minute film called The Secret.

Read more of this opinion on One News Now.

Christians Plan for Beijing Olympics

They worked the crowds at Olympic games in Athens, Sydney and Atlanta. And, even though China outlaws what they do, they will be on the ground next summer in Beijing as well.

Christian mission groups from around the world plan to quietly defy the Chinese ban on foreign missionaries and send thousands of volunteer evangelists to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Many mission workers are traveling through China now as tourists to learn their way around and conduct prayerwalks meant to spiritually prepare the region for the Gospel. Next summer, just before the games begin, several Christian groups plan to rally in an Asian nation that they will not name, then head out in small teams to Olympic sites and beyond.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

New Look For YouTube Channel

I have just given our YouTube channel a "new" look. Hopefully, this will provide more information about our ministry to those interested and will be a more attractive user interface. Let me know what you think.

Mistaken Confidence

READ: Romans 4:4-8

You were not redeemed with corruptible things, . . . but with the precious blood of Christ. —1 Peter 1:18-19

A successful businessman made this statement: “Almost every religion talks about a savior coming. When you look in the mirror in the morning, you’re looking at the savior. Nobody else is going to save you but yourself.”

We as Christians do not agree with that worldview because it is in direct contradiction to the gospel. The Bible teaches the exact opposite of such a self-sufficient confidence. The apostle Peter said of Jesus: “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

In Romans 4, we have forthright teaching that it is by faith, not by what we do, that a relationship with God can be established: “To him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness” (v.5). And we read in Romans 3:28, “We conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.” By no means—not with money or good deeds—can we secure God’s acceptance of our sinful selves.

We cannot save ourselves. We can be saved only by God’s Son, Jesus, who lived a sinless life, died as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, and rose from the grave. Vernon C Grounds

You can’t earn your way into heaven—
The wages for sinning is death.
Jesus is longing to save you from sin;
Don’t wait till you draw your last breath. —Hess

Jesus gave Himself to give us salvation.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Basics Of Faith > Christian Faith > Trust/Belief

Perspectives: The prayers of a seldom-praying nation availeth little

The National Day of Prayer for this year has come and gone. It's time we investigated the whole concept a bit further.

I don't have anything against such a "National Day..." Any time God's people get together to praise and thank, to confess and intercede, all the better. But the issue, which is addressed precious little these days, lies further on.

E. Stanley Jones, the late Methodist missionary to India, once said, "Where there is no effective prayer life, the heart of religion has ceased to beat and ... becomes a dead body of forms and customs and dogmas." And yet the vast majority of lay and clergy alike don't practice a consistent and daily habit of prayer and thus fall as casualties before the admonition of James: "The prayers of a righteous man availeth much." Righteousness is a matter of God's grace, and prayer is one of the chief means of that grace.

Read more of this opinion on One News Now.

Bible Under Fire in Hong Kong for Sexual, Violent Content

Hundreds of residents have flooded Hong Kong’s media decency watchdog group with complaints against the Bible for its sexual and violent contents.

Protestors call on authorities to reclassify the Bible as “indecent,” which would make it illegal for minors under 18 years of age to purchase and would cause the Bible to be wrapped with a statutory warning notice.

As of noon on Wednesday, Hong Kong’s Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) said it had received 838 complaints about the Bible, according to Reuters.

“I can confirm that the complaints were received,” said a TELA spokeswoman to Agence France-Presse. “The thrust of the complaints was that the Bible was obscene, that different parts of the Bible were offensive to readers.”

TELA refused to give details of the complaints but local media say they refer to acts of violence, rape, incest and cannibalism.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Really Bad Joke

Why did the three little pigs leave home?

Their father was an awful boar.

Act Your Age

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Benefit raises thousands to fulfill dreams

Those who strive to help sick kids realize their dreams once again raised more than $20,000 through the Shands Starke Dreams Come True banquet last Friday night (April 27, 2007).

Every penny of that money will go toward funding kids' dreams, as do all donations, according to Suzanne Crittenden, executive director of Dreams Come True.

In addition to the money raised through ticket sales, organizers raked in donations through a silent auction and the live auction of some pretty delectable deserts and coveted sports memorabilia. The Gator championship football signed by University of Florida coach Urban Meyer alone brought in an impressive $1,300.

James Croft, who can't help but inject humor into everything he does, was instrumental in bringing in thousands of dollars as he egged competing bidders to dig deep for a worthy cause.

Read more of this story on The Bradford County Telegraph.

Previous post related to this story.

Good Food

We have a new video available for your viewing pleasure and for sharing with others. You can also find it on GodTube, GospelTube, YouTube and Zigvid.

Shocking Vote Ousts Doolittle from 'American Idol'

Melinda Doolittle, who has been critiqued as the most consistent singer in this season’s American Idol by judges, was eliminated during last night’s vote-off show to the shock of many viewers.

Doolittle’s exit takes from the show one of this season’s strongest Christian finalists, and leaves only Jordin Sparks to represent the faith as she attempts to fend off Blake Lewis.

"Commiseration to you Melinda,” commented the show’s most frank judge, Simon Cowell – who seemed to favor Doolittle – after she was voted out, “because you are a heck of a singer."

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Not Today

Bible Society Brings Biblical Riddles to Manchester

A new campaign has been launched across Greater Manchester to draw attention to the relevance of the Bible to daily life.

Across all 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester, billboards, bus shelters, trams, buses, taxis, and even beer mats will be the target of a visual campaign comprising of seven different biblical riddles, each one containing a headline with a missing word.

The initiative is being run by the Bible Society of England and Wales with the support of over 250 churches across the city to help people re-engage with the Bible in a positive way.

Read more of this story on Christian Today.

Oxymorons (Part 3)

Oxymoron (ox·y·mo·ron; Pronunciation:\ˌäk-sē-ˈmr-ˌän\ Function: noun) a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (as cruel kindness); broadly : something (as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements.

  • Temporary tax increase
  • Plastic glasses
  • Terribly pleased
  • Tight slacks
  • Jumbo shrimp
  • Definite maybe
  • Pretty ugly
  • Working vacation
  • Exact estimate

ACLU Sues Texas School District to Halt Bible Classes

DALLAS, Texas (AP) - Two advocacy groups filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against a West Texas school district on behalf of eight parents who say a Bible course violates their religious liberty.

The American Civil Liberties Union and People for the American Way Foundation sued the Ector County Independent School District, asking the Odessa school system to stop teaching the course.

"Religion is very important in my family and we are very involved in our religious community. But the public schools are no place for religious indoctrination that promotes certain beliefs that not all the kids in the school share," Doug Hildebrand, a Presbyterian deacon who is among the plaintiffs, said in a written statement released by the ACLU.

The Ector school board approved the high school elective in 2005. It teaches the King James version of the sacred text using material produced by the Greensboro, N.C.-based National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, and uses the Bible as the students' textbook.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Car Wreck Confessions

Confessing your deepest, darkest sins has become the latest craze, at least on the Internet. Recently, a new wave of websites have popped up, calling all sinners to come forward—anonymously, of course.

Greg Fox, a writer and director for Walt Disney Co., launched one such website as personal therapy, after he became disillusioned by the fake cheeriness he saw all around him at Disney. Fox claims his website is cathartic for those who need to come clean—whether to confess to an eating disorder, pornography addiction, or adultery.

While some stop by to confess, others stop by to read other people’s confessions, maybe just to feel better about their own wrong-doings.

“It’s kind of the car wreck you’re driving by,” Fox explains. “You can’t help but watch.”

Read more of this opinion on The Christian Post.

The Ascended Christ

READ: Hebrews 4:9-16

We have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God. —Hebrews 4:14

Today is Ascension Day—a day that is often neglected. Coming 40 days after Easter, it marks the occasion when the risen Christ ascended to the Father in glory.

W. H. Griffith Thomas writes in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: “The ascension is not only a great fact of the New Testament, but a great factor in the life of Christ and Christians, and no complete view of Jesus Christ is possible unless the ascension and its consequences are included.”

Thomas then summarizes what the ascension means to believers. It speaks of an accomplished redemption (Heb. 8:1), the Savior’s high-priestly work (Heb. 4:14), His lordship over the church (Eph. 1:22), His intercession for us with His heavenly Father (1 Tim. 2:5), the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:33), the Lord’s presence with us today (Matt. 28:20), and the expectation of His return to this earth (1 Thess. 4:16).

Think of it! Jesus not only died, but He rose from the grave, went back to the Father, and is interceding for us right now. And He is coming again.

May this Ascension Day be a time for special rejoicing and thanksgiving to God. Richard De Haan

One day the grave could conceal Him no longer,
One day the stone rolled away from the door;
Then He arose, over death He had conquered;
Now is ascended, my Lord evermore. —Chapman

Jesus who died to save us now lives to keep us.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Basics Of Faith > Jesus Christ > Resurrection

Retirement Fund

Nomadic Tree

Did you hear about the botanist that claimed to have discovered a nomadic tree in the African jungle?

Apparently it just packs up its trunk and leaves!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Falwell Family Announces Funeral Details

LYNCHBURG, Va., May 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Falwell Family, Church, and University Officials have announced that Dr. Falwell would want Liberty University's Baccalaureate and Commencement programs to be held as scheduled.

Read more details on Christian Newswire.

Related stories about Jerry Falwell:

A Golden Coach

The tax advisor had just read the story of Cinderella to his four-year-old daughter for the first time. The little girl was fascinated by the story, especially the part where the pumpkin turns into a golden coach.

Suddenly she piped up, "Daddy, when the pumpkin turned into a golden coach, would that be classed as income or a long- term capital gain?"

Christian Football Player Benched Over 'Wedding Crashers' Flick

The wife of a professional indoor football player has accused the team’s management of benching her husband over his religious beliefs.

Troy Vermillion, a wide receiver for the Colorado Ice and upfront Christian, had a disagreement with his coaches over a pornographic-like film that would be played during a bus road trip, which his wife Hilda said has led to his release from the team roster.

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Goliath's Agent

What We Do

If you would like to financially contribute to this ministry you may follow the links below:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

AP: Jerry Falwell Dies After Falling Ill

LYNCHBURG, Va. — The Rev. Jerry Falwell has died, according to the Associated Press.

A Liberty University executive told the AP that Falwell, a leading Christian conservative televangelist, died Tuesday.

Falwell was hospitalized in "gravely serious" condition after being found unconscious in his office at Liberty University, a school executive said.

Read more of this story on FOX News.

The New Boss

A company, feeling it was time for a shake-up, hires a new grad with a PhD degree in business administration to be boss. This new boss is determined to rid the company of all slackers...

On a tour of the facilities, the Boss notices a guy leaning on a wall. The room is full of workers and he thinks this is his chance to show everyone he means business!

The Boss walks up to the guy and asks, "And how much money do you make a week?"

Unflinching, the young fellow looks at him and replies, "I make $500.00 a week. Why?"

The Boss then hands the guy $500 in cash and screams, "Here's a week's pay; now GET OUT and don't come back!"

Feeling pretty good about his first firing, the Boss looks around the room and asks, "Does anyone want to tell me what that slacker did here?"

Just then the foreman comes into the room with a package in his hand. He looks around and says, "Hey! What happened to the UPS man?"

ACLU Seeks to Censor Religious Content from La. Graduations

Seniors who are part of the graduating classes at six high schools within the Ouachita Parish School District, located in north Louisiana, have voted for fellow students to give a message during this week’s class graduation ceremonies – a decision that has put the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on guard.

The ACLU, an organization that provides legal assistance in cases in which it considers civil liberties to be at risk, has expressed its concern that the speakers will include religious themes and prayer within their presentations, and sent a letter last Tuesday to the district advising them to censor the speakers if this should arise.

Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit litigation dedicated to advancing religious freedom, has recently responded to the ACLU, saying that the students have a right to religious themes if they should choose to use them. As long as the school itself is not forcing the students with religious content, students have free speech rights.

“Religious viewpoints cannot be excluded from graduation ceremonies,” explained Mathew D. Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, in a statement. “When the message is the choice of the student or the speaker, religious viewpoints, including prayer, are permissible.”

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

Video Ministry Expanded - Again

Thanks to one of the readers of this Blog, I learned about another video site called Zigvid. I have now uploaded a couple of the ministry videos to this site. At this point I haven't found a way to provide a link that leads just to my videos, so you will have to search the site. Try searching for "Croft".

A special thanks to the reader that posted the suggestion in the comments section of the post Video Ministry Expanded.

What's Your Problem

Obvious Answer?

Making rounds one morning, a doctor points out an X-ray to a group of medical students.

"As you can see," he says, "the patient limps because his left fibula and tibia are radically arched. Bernie, what would you do in a case like this?"

"Hmmnn...," ponders the student, "Yes... I suppose I'd limp too."