Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blogs Becoming More Popular Outlet for Christian Voice

Believers say Christian blog sites are encouraging and a good place for evangelizing, according to a recent survey.

Amid an explosion of Christians in the blogosphere and religious alternatives to online social networks, - a popular Christian web portal – found that more than half of Christians find Christian blogs useful.

"They allow Christians to come together to share their ideas with one another without feeling judged and under pressure," said one reader, according to the survey report.

Christian blogs are also a popular outreach tool, especially for believers fearful of witnessing to people face-to-face on the street.

"You just never know what seed you might sow on a Christian site," stated another survey respondent. "As people read your comments, it might just be what they needed that day. Never underestimate the power of the written word."

Read more of this story on The Christian Post.

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