Saturday, May 24, 2008

Getting What You Want

READ: Luke 12:15,22-34

One’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. —Luke 12:15

There’s a popular idea floating around about how to get whatever you want. It’s called “the law of attraction.” Just think and feel what you want to attract, and “the law will use people, circumstances, and events to magnetize what you want to you, and magnetize you to it.” This positive-thinking philosophy teaches that the “energy” of your dominant thoughts “attracts” your circumstances.

You won’t find that idea anywhere in the Bible! As believers, we have good reason to be positive in our thinking, but it’s because our heavenly Father understands our needs and meets them. Because He cares for us, we don’t have to be anxious (Luke 12:29-30). Life doesn’t consist “in the abundance of the things [we possess]” (v.15), so we make it our aim instead to be “rich toward God” (v.21). We do that by seeking His kingdom and purpose (v.31) and by laying up treasures in heaven, not for ourselves in this life.

Jesus said, “Take heed and beware of covetousness” (v.15) because one day, like the rich fool in the parable in Luke 12, we will leave it all behind. That’s when we’ll have more than we ever dreamed of. In the meantime, God promises to care for our needs—no matter what the circumstances. And that’s no secret.

Anne Cetas

I know not by what methods rare
The Lord provides for me;
I only know that all my needs
He meets so graciously. —Adams

God has promised to supply all our needs, not all our wants.

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