Christmas can be an all-consuming time of year for many people. Dilligently trying to find the perfect gift for those on your list, special church programs, family gatherings, office and community events can make you wonder how to fit it all into the schedule. Unfortunately, there are some in our community that are unable to participate in such activities because they now are residents of a nursing home. These folks may receive a visit from a church or civic group, maybe some of the family will stop by with a gift, but many will be alone during this joyous time of year. The James Croft Evangelistic Association desires to stand in the gap with nursing home residents during the Christmas season with the JOY Box Ministry.
JOY Boxes are shoebox sized packages prepared for nursing home residents. The boxes, preferably plastic so they can be used for other purposes by the resident, include items such as shampoo, body wash, socks, hand lotion, baseball cap, magnifying glass, large print activity book, stationary, ink pen, comb or brush, lap blanket, or even a small portable radio/CD player. Baked goods, hard candy, food, and sharp objects should not be included in the box. JCEA will include a Gospel tract in each box. These may not sound like great gift items to you and I, but residents appreciate that you have chosen it for them and it hasn't been "issued" by their facility. We must also keep in mind each resident has a limited amount of storage space in their room.
JOY Boxes will be delivered to nursing homes just before Christmas or during the week following. Depending on schedule considerations a program of music and a Christmas message will be used to distribute the boxes.
The JCEA website at contains all of the information about this ministry including box content suggestions, a printable form to be included with each box, JOY news updates and more. It is requested, not mandatory, that you include a $2 donation with each box to cover program expenses. If you are unable to prepare a box, but would like to contribute financially toward this ministry visit our website for details.
Drop-off locations will be listed on the website and the deadline is Thursday, December 17, 2009.
Posters, brochures and a promotional video are also available online or upon request by calling 386.752.1563 or e-mail
Share true Christian JOY this Christmas by putting
Jesus first,
Others second and
Yourself last.
“JOY to the world, the Lord is come...”