Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Use The Internet And Mobile Technology For Ministry?

I once had a very nice lady in a church tell me, "I can't believe you would put your videos on YouTube!"  A lot of well-intentioned Christians might ask the same type of questions about the use of technology for ministry.  Jesus said in Luke 19:10, "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”  The truth is many that need Jesus will not enter the church, but they will log-on to YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and many other similar sites.  They will also access this info multiple times a day with laptops, netbooks, mobile phones, and some will even still use a desktop computer!  Many may never listen to a preacher, but will watch a video with a Christian truth.  Many will never darken the doors of a church, but will listen to a Christian podcast or sermon on their iPod when no one is around.

The church has a Biblical origin and is still a viable ministry in reaching the lost (1 Cor. 1:21), encouraging the down-trodden, assisting the needy, and being a bold witness in the community.  Technology now allows the church and individual Christians the methods to reach and teach the world for Christ as commanded in the Great Commission, Matt. 28:18-20.

The video below provides some staggering facts about the use of mobile technology in our world.  This illuminates the need for God's people to be about His business using the methods that have the potential of reaching the most people.

By the way, don't think this is an excuse not to attend church.  God expects us to attend the local church (Heb. 10:25),  after all, Jesus set the example (Luke 4:16).

The James Croft Evangelistic Association extensively uses the internet and technology for evangelism and distribution of information.  Many of these methods are linked in the left column of this site.

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