Monday, August 20, 2007

Which One Is James Croft?

Will the real James Croft please step forward...

Actually, both of us are named James Croft.

I attended the Croft Family Reunion yesterday in Lulu, Florida. This photo is of me and my cousin, James Croft.

Back in the early 1960's James (my cousin), Johnnie Croft (my dad), and I were all in Lake Shore Hospital in Lake City, Florida at the same time, and on the same floor. That was an interesting time. On several occasions during that hospital stay, I would receive James' meals and he would receive mine. He had to endure cereal and milk for breakfast, while I had eggs, grits, bacon, toast, etc.

I served on the Baker County Commission 1984-1988. During those four years my cousin received a lot of telephone calls from people trying to reach me, some of which were not very happy.

In 1994 I surrendered to God's Call to preach the Gospel. Over the next few years, my cousin continued to receive telephone calls of people trying to reach me. These calls were quite different than the others. He once told me that I had a much nicer group of people trying to reach me now that I was preaching. 8-)

It's always good to have the opportunity to visit with family that you don't often see. Family reunions are a good way to stay in touch and can be a lot of fun. The sad part of family reunions is that not everyone is able to attend and, sometimes, loved ones are lost to death before you get to see them again.

Christians will one day experience another family reunion, one that will take place in Heaven. The Bible says there will be no more sorrow, no tears, only an undefinable joy. That will be one reunion that will never end and we will no longer have to worry about losing family. The most important part of that future reunion will be the presence of Jesus Christ. As good as our reunions are today, that will be one awesome reunion that will never end!

My question is, have you accepted Jesus' invitation to the Heavenly reunion? Only those that have been born again will be in attendance. Are you saved by the blood of the Lamb? Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If not, what's stopping you from asking the Lord into your heart today?

For more information visit "Do You Know" on my website or send me an e-mail. I'll be happy to share more information with you.

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