Friday, April 27, 2007

What Money Can't Buy

READ: Isaiah 55:1-7

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. —Isaiah 55:6

Money is a necessary part of living. Without it, we couldn’t secure the necessities or luxuries of life. But there are things money can’t buy. As preacher W. A. Criswell said, “Money will buy luxuries, but it will not buy spiritual power. Money will buy advancement and preferment, but it will not buy the recognition of God. Money will buy . . . favor and accolades, but it will not buy soul respect.”

The greatest good—so great that it is in a category all by itself—cannot be bought. If the entire human race were to bankrupt its resources in an effort to buy forgiveness of sin and eternal life with Jesus, it would be infinitely insufficient. All the wealth of the whole world cannot purchase the supreme blessing of forgiveness and heaven.

We’ll never accumulate enough riches to purchase a place in the paradise of God. But there’s good news! Salvation can be ours “without money and without price,” according to Isaiah 55:1.

Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? You need only to stretch out your empty hands in childlike faith to the Lord (John 1:12). Cry out to Him and confess your sin. “He will abundantly pardon” (Isa. 55:7). Vernon C Grounds

I am redeemed, but not with silver;
I am bought, but not with gold;
Bought with a price—the blood of Jesus,
Precious price of love untold. —Gray

The faintest knock of faith opens wide the door to forgiveness.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Basics Of Faith > Salvation > New Birth

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