Saturday, January 06, 2007

Total Giving

READ: Mark 12:41-44

She out of her poverty put in all that she had. —Mark 12:44

Mr. Branon, I have to talk with you about something really important," said the voice on the other end of the line. It was 2 days before a small group of teens and adults were to leave for Jamaica on a special missions trip. We had been planning for months to go to a school for deaf children to build a much-needed playground. So, when this teen called, I thought, Oh, no. She can’t go.

But when she, her mom, and I met for lunch that day, I found out how truly special this young lady was. She told me she was donating her entire savings to help pay for the trip—money she had been saving to buy a car. "As I was praying the past couple of nights," she explained, "I felt that God was telling me to give all of my money." That day we had tears of joy with our burgers and fries.

What a picture of how much of ourselves we should offer Him! God wants total sacrifice—as difficult as that can be—not just 10-percent giving. If Jesus is indeed our Lord, we must give our entire being to Him. Our speech. Our time. Our choices.

Jesus praised the widow who "out of her poverty put in all that she had" (Mark 12:44). Imagine the influence we could have if we practiced giving our all Dave Branon

If you cannot give your thousands,
You can give the widow’s mite,
And the least you do for Jesus
Will be precious in His sight. —Anon.

Giving is easier when you give yourself to the Lord.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Christian Life > Lifestyle issues > Money/Possessions
Christian Life > Character > Decisions/Choices

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