Monday, April 09, 2007


LOS ANGELES, Apr. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- The movie "BULLRIDER" by Off The Pier Productions passionately documents the athleticism, camaraderie, courage and heart of the men and the bulls who challenge one another each year in the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) Built Ford Tough world championship series. But the movie's crossover appeal to the Christian marketplace is gaining fast momentum because the stars of the movie, the bull riders themselves, openly discuss their faith as an integral part of their success.

"BULLRIDER" is as much about living life as it is about the rough and tumble world of extreme sports, according to producer Maureen Holmes, president of Off The Pier Productions. "You don't have to be a cowboy, or a sports enthusiast to be moved and inspired by this film to grow closer to God. The movie's biggest fans are often those who knew nothing about the world of professional bull riding and found themselves so inspired by the riders."

Read more of this story on Christian Newswire.

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