One year ago, I was facing some of the most challenging news in my life: a complicated hip revision surgery and the accompanying rehabilitation. Nearly three months of immobility left me unable to accomplish the primary task to which our Lord called me back in 1994: Gospel preaching and evangelism.
During those uncertain days, you responded with grace and generosity. You interceded with prayers that lifted me to God's close care. You called, wrote and visited. You gave financial gifts to cover medical bills and loss of income. A few churches in my area renovated my home, and repaired my roof. You showed love in Christ.
I received news in recent weeks that my surgery last year wasn’t completely successful. My options at this point have narrowed to two: a second surgical attempt or the permanent living with pain or possible loss of walking ability.
Needless to say, I have opted for the surgical option now slated for 2pm tomorrow, November 24th. Dr. Mark Petty plans to insert cadaver bone for grafting at the top of my femur. A substance that will help promote grafting will also be utilized. The goal is for the rod in my femur (implanted during the surgery last year) to be stabilized by the grafting, which should (hopefully) eliminate the pain. The presence of pain seems to indicate the femoral rod is "loose". This is, obviously, not the proper medical terminology, but it's the best explanation I can offer at this point.
The surgery will take place at North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida. It is estimated the surgery will last 2-4 hours. If there are no complications, I will stay in the hospital for three to four days and then be transferred to a rehab hospital for physical therapy. Dr. Petty tells me, if all goes well, I will use a walker for about a month and then move back to using a cane. If the femoral rod is slipping more than is currently thought, another rod will be implanted during the surgery and the recovery period will be greatly extended as it was last year.
My desire to serve the Lord will once again be greatly impeded. And, once again, the reality of financial woes are upon me. I don’t like to make such pleas, but should God lead you to make a one-time or continuing donation, no matter the size, it would be an extraordinary investment. Little is much when God is in it.
I know God is in total control, but I must confess to being anxious, fearful, and a little "down" (no pun intended) at the thought of another major surgery. It has been a long and very tough year in many areas of my life since the middle of last November, but I know God's grace is, and will once again be, sufficient. The last year of my life has taught me to depend on the Lord and be of good courage. The year ahead will put to use what God has desired to teach me.
Please join me in praying that the Lord's "Perfect Will" is done all along the way. I have a revival meeting scheduled to begin January 10, 2010 in Bushnell, FL, so you know how I'm praying. I do know God also knows about the meeting, after all, He led the pastor to call me.
Your prayers and financial gifts are appreciated. Mostly, I am looking for 2010, a recovered body, and a foundation of faith from which to preach Christ to the nations.
NOTE: Additional information will be posted on this blog and on Facebook as it becomes available.