Thursday, April 05, 2007

Fickle Followers

READ: Matthew 27:15-23

The multitudes . . . cried out, saying: “Hosanna to the Son of David!” —Matthew 21:9

If you follow sports at all, you know that sports fans can change like the weather. A team’s star player can hear 70,000 cheering voices if he does well—or 70,000 booing voices if he messes up.

Sports figures easily fall from grace because people are fickle—eager to follow the one who makes them feel good, yet willing to turn against that same person if all does not go well.

Scripture contains an example of fickleness that is far more serious. A great multitude in Jerusalem praised, honored, and cheered Jesus on the Sunday He entered the city riding on a donkey (Matt. 21:6-11). But just a few days later, some of those same people may have been in the crowd calling for Jesus’ crucifixion (27:20-23). On Sunday they worshiped Him, but on Friday they didn’t want Him around anymore.

Let’s not waver in our relationship with the Lord. Sometimes we worship Jesus heartily on Sunday, but the very next day we live as if we find His presence intrusive. Or we tell Him on Sunday that we love Him, but then we fail to obey Him throughout the week.

Don’t be a fickle follower of Jesus. Worship Him every day—not just on Sunday. Dave Branon

Let’s not be fickle followers
Who say they love the Lord
But live each day ignoring Him
And His life-giving Word. —Sper

Worshiping God should be a full-time experience.

For similar resources, search these topics:

Basics Of Faith > Worship > Jesus Christ

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